Saturday, January 26, 2008

Killing your Driver Examiner (And 5 Other Mistakes to Avoid on Your Road Test)

If you're one of the millions of people who will take their driving test in the United States this year, chances are it's a very big deal to you. For teens, passing the driving test marks a right of passage and is one of the biggest accomplishments in a young person's life. For others, passing the road test can mean the freedom to take better care of their family or to pursue a more lucrative job.

Unfortunately, about half of those taking their test for the first time will fail. And it happens for a variety of reasons. As a former DMV examiner, I have seen just about everything that can happen on a road test. I've been in a car that has pulled in front of an oncoming semi, I've been rear-ended after stopping for no apparent reason and I've had someone hit the gas instead of the brake and plough right into the DMV building (much to the delight of my fellow examiners). I've even seen other examiners end up in the hospital. If you have a flair for the dramatic and a car that you're looking to get rid of, there are plenty of heart-stopping ways to fail your drivers test. Here are five mistakes that may seem harmless but can lead to dangerous situations.

1. Stopping in a yield.

Looking for an excellent way to get hit from behind and fail your drivers exam? Look no further. Stopping unnecessarily in a yield is a great way to write off that old clunker that mom lent you for the road test. Even if you don't get hit from behind, simply forcing the person behind you to slow or stop unnecessarily will probably get you a failure. The correct procedure? As you enter a yield to make right hand turn, look at the traffic in front of you. If it is slowing or coming to a stop, do the same. If it is not stopping or slowing down, take a look to your left to ensure that it is safe for you to go. If there is no traffic coming and it is clear in front of you, keep it moving!! On the other hand, if it isn't safe to proceed, then slow down or stop. The point is that you should keep moving if it is safe to do so. Otherwise, you may find your trunk in your back seat.

2. Signalling too soon.

Where there are two upcoming streets on the right side of your vehicle and the driver examiner tells you to make a right hand turn at the second one, ensure that you do not start signalling until you have passed or are very close to passing the first street. The reason for this? If you signal too soon, traffic waiting at the first street may see you approaching with your signal on, assume that you are turning right away and pull out in front of you. Anyone for a juicy t-bone? Ouch.

3. Signalling too late. Signalling too late is also a problem. When making a turn, make sure that you signal before you start braking. This warns the car behind you that you will be slowing down and gives them extra time to prepare for it. Even if you don't cause an accident, signalling too late will cost you points on your test.

4. Hesitating.

Often, new drivers are either so nervous or so determined to show the examiner how careful they are that they hesitate to go when it is safe to do so. Sometimes they even wait for awhile, realize that they should have gone earlier and then pull out in front of oncoming traffic at the last second (kind of like a squirrel crossing the street). It's one thing to make sure that it is safe before proceeding. It's another thing to sit there so long that your car begins to rust. Be careful but be confident. Hesitating is not only a nuisance to other drivers but can result in a dangerous situation.

5. Backing up improperly.

This one happens A LOT, usually right at the start of the road test. If you are parked in a stall at the beginning of your test and need to back up, make sure that you are aware of the vehicles parked on either side of your car. Remember that if you are looking behind you and start turning the steering wheel as soon as you begin to back up, the front end of your car will swing out sideways and hit the parked car next to you. I can't tell you how many times I had to grab the wheel out of someone's hand to prevent this from happening. It's an automatic failure so be careful. Make sure that you have backed up straight far enough so that when you turn the wheel, the front of your car will clear the car parked next to you.

Remember these five driving tips and keep both you and your examiner on the road and out of the hospital. Good luck and good driving!

Jeff Kelly is a former Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) examiner and has taken thousands of Americans on their road tests. Jeff is also the author of "How to Pass Your Drivers Test: The Secrets Revealed". Visit his site at http://www.driverstestsecrets.comShelagh Blog48291
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