Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Real Estate Moms Back to School Guide

As a long summer of lazy unstructured afternoons comes to an end, Real Estate Moms all across this nation celebrate the return of routine in their families. In order to prepare for that event, you have inventoried the kids closets, had them try on their shoes, collected the supplies needed by the new teacher and received the school calendars. How can you as a real estate agent and as a mom get off on the right foot this school year?

There is no doubt that you need to make a little extra time during those first few weeks to get everything heading in the right direction with the kids. Here is a quick back to school guide that will help you to keep the necessary focus on your business while helping your children have a successful start to the school year.

Schedule for Peace of Mind

One of the most important aspects of getting all of your goals accomplished as a real estate agent is planning and scheduling. This folds into the mom part of your life as well. It is important to know how to blend both the business and personal parts of your life. For example, your calendar, such as Top Producer or some other contact database software, is a key instrument for you to use in organizing your business. Not only should you use it to plan your client meetings, but you must also use it to schedule those important events for your child such as parent/teacher meetings, recitals and pick-ups from school.

When you keep your family and work calendars separate, you will inadvertently schedule a meeting with a client, over a childs school activity and vise versa. By color coordinating all of your Realtor appointments and mother appointments on the same calendar you can easily see where your focus is on a daily basis. By syncing your Top Producer with your Treo, you will have all of your appointments, work and personal, with you wherever you go.

Organizing For At Home Success

Next, use your Top Producer system to keep you organized. Take a few minutes to record the teachers contact information. Most real estate agents would not leave home or the office without having all of their clients information in hand and its vital that all necessary information for your childs school be in your electronic calendar as well. Include the schools phone number and any direct teachers numbers, email addresses and details that you need.

Establishing Routine as A Real Estate Mom

One of the most crucial times for you to establish family routines is during those first weeks of school. Set up such things as the after school routine with homework, snacks, and chores. My daughter has her daily five that she needs to do everyday after school that includes homework, cleaning her room, cleaning her bathroom, unloading the dishwasher and feeding the dog. Once the foundation of this time of the day is set and becomes a habit for your child, you are more able to focus on your job as a real estate agent with minimal time following up on the daily five. Getting them into a routine will also create lasting habits in your children

Your job and your clients can be demanding. That doesnt need to stop you from being a good parent and getting your home life in order. Take the time necessary to organize each of these aspects of your life, by being a real estate agent and being a mom. Spend some time planning, organizing and scheduling by doing the things listed here. A little extra effort now will help in creating a great school year for your child, yourself and your business.

Real Estate and Life Coach Cheri Alguire has partnered with hundreds of Real Estate Professionals to help them become more successful in business and in life. Coach Cheri offers Group Coaching for Moms, Working Mothers and Pregnant Women in Real Estate, on how to balance careers with family responsibility. Learn more at, and visit Coach Cheri's Real Estate Moms blog at Blog63058
Sheena Blog35889

Technology Initiative in Detroit Public Schools

New Technology Partners

The Detroit Board of Education revealed four new key partners in the ongoing technical development of Detroit schools. These partners will work together with Detroit schools for the next five years to improve the quality and access to technology throughout the area. The following companies, three of which are Detroit based, will be part of the program:

VisionIT, which is located in Detroits New Center, has offices in Chicago and Atlanta, and counts Wayne State University, General Motors, Ford Motor Company, Xerox, Dell and Siemens among its many clients. VisionITs services will include management of the data center, network services, application systems, data warehouse, help desk, and field services and technology curriculum. VisionIT will team up with SYNC Technologies, Inc., a minority and woman-owned firm that has been in business for nearly 20 years, and Unisys to execute the contract.

Management Systems Consultants, a Detroit-based firm that has provided e-solution consulting and project management services to various clients for more than a quarter of a century. It will provide web technology services, including the design and maintenance of all websites and web applications.

Universal Sales, a Detroit-based company whose employees collectively have more than 170 years of audio-visual experience.

GVC Networks, a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) that is licensed to provide telecommunications and information technology services in 41 states. GVC Networks maintains a presence in Downtown Detroit.

How the Companies Were Chosen

Detroit schools entertained bids from seventeen companies nationwide before choosing the four technology partners. The competition was fierce and there were some very difficult decisions to be made in the interest of serving the Detroit school population as well as possible. The superintendent, William F. Coleman III, expresses optimism about the new partners, stating: We are pleased with the caliber of the companies that won this contract. Most of these companies are companies that are familiar to us. We know and admire their work. I have no doubt that our students, faculty and staff will benefit enormously from their rich and varied experience.

In addition to their roles as technology providers, the four partner companies will also play another interesting part in Detroit schools. All of the companies will be creating internships for Detroit school students to work and study in the real world. Superintendent Coleman was particularly interested in these internships programs when selecting the companies to win the bid as technology partners. In this way, Detroit school students benefit in more ways than simply having more technology available to them in schools. Students will begin working in internships at the companies and learning important real life skills as well as improving their college applications and professional prospects. These students and many more will therefore see how business and education can work together to provide opportunities for Detroit school students to learn more about the world of technology. The technology partnerships with these four companies are sure to bring new ideas and new products into the Detroit school system and help students compete in the twenty first century.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more information on Detroit schools visit Blog83007
Serena Blog87548

Orlando Schools Make Plans for the 2006-2007 School Year

Changes for the 2006-2007 School Year

Orlando Schools has made several changes that will go into effect this fall. The first official day of school in the Orlando Schools is August 7th. This school years students attendance for the Orlando Schools has increased by around 4,000 students to 181,210 total students. This increase in enrollment has prompted Orlando Schools to open nine additional schools. The nine schools added to handle the new students are three middle schools and six elementary schools. In addition to the opening of the new schools, Orlando Schools will divide the South Learning Community into Southwest and Southeast learning communities. This division will allow better management of resources and help address the needs of the students. New legislation that will affect next the 2007-2008 school year was also passed. Starting then, the school year will start no sooner than two weeks before Labor Day which is a change to the usual early August start that allowed the semester to end before Orlando Schools winter break.

Orlando Schools First Days of School

For the second school year Orlando Schools is holding the First Days of School event. This is an event that is held at every school in the Orlando Schools district. Parents and students need to contact their school because each school will hold events at different times throughout the week leading up to August 7th. So instead of a single day, many schools will have an entire week of events.

Orlando Schools Help Students Get Ready for the 2006-2007 School Year

Orlando Schools has teamed up with the Apopka Chamber of Commerce and A.C.T.I.O.N. to help low-income students in the. They will work together to collect school supplies for students in need. Their aim is to have all students in the Apopka area have the tools they need to begin the new school year. This years program is called Fill the Bus School Supply Drive. An Orlando Schools bus will be parked in area business parking lots throughout the summer

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Shamit Blog44327
Sorcha Blog57935

Dell - Case Study In Corporate Self-Destruction, Or

All companies go through various cycles of growth at various speeds. This is also true in the way in which the stock market embraces them, and then spits them out, and throws them away. The market darling at the moment going through such a cycle is Dell Computer. This computer is now in the process of switching places with also-ran Hewlett-Packard which was out of favor for years.

Since Dells inception in the 1984 and later its public offering, the company could do no wrong. Its sales are now approaching $60 billion dollars and its number 25 on the Fortune 500. They have utilized a direct model approach to building PCs since the beginning. This eliminated the middleman, and allowed you the customer to build your computer to order. In other words, you got a custom made machine. This is also the only company I have encountered with a negative cash conversion cycle. They get your money before they owe it to the vendors who sell them the parts. Its literally unheard of in business.

How things can change in the blink of an eye

This company once had the finest customer service in the business. The whole deal was moved to India with disastrous effects. I have encountered no one, thats right no one who has a decent word to say about Dells customer service. I have had several encounters myself with Dells version of customer service. Let me illustrate one. I had to spend a ridiculous period of time explaining my address. Its simple I live in Westport, CT., but if you have ever tried to send a package to Europe, the addresses work differently. I cant imagine, how they do addresses in Bangalore, India where these call centers are.

If a person has no feel for your culture and the way you conduct your life by being immersed in that culture, its comes right through on the telephone, and thats Dells problem in India. A company replaces thousands of Americans with foreigners, and then thinks its going to be okay. What Dell doesnt realize is that people vote with their feet, and they are now voting for Hewlett Packard, and other Dell competitors.

Exploding computers-Fires on Planes

Dells recall of several million computers because of exploding batteries illustrates how management has lost touch with reality. Years ago, Johnson and Johnson had a public relations nightmare over the tampering of several shipments of Tylenol. How JNJ handled the PR from this scandal is a showcase example that is studied daily in colleges across the country. Dell did not confront their exploding batteries problem directly. They dodged, they hemmed, and they yawed. This resulted in a tremendous loss of consumer confidence in the company that will take years to rebuild, if in fact they can rebuild it.

Whos driving the bus?

Dell has now announced a 41% drop in their fiscal second-quarter profit, and now there are accounting issues facing the company. In their announcement Dell attributed the earnings decline to overly aggressive pricing. This is utter nonsense. The company should be more forthcoming about their problems. The aggressive pricing that they are alluding to is not reflected in the numbers I see. I have looked at both their desktop and notebook average selling prices for the last two quarters. They were flat on a sequential basis, so what are they talking about? Server ASPs were even up on a sequential basis. The folks at Dell have to come up with a better story. On a year to year basis there are price declines in the desktop, notebook, and server ASP segments, but thats not what Dell is saying.

If you are going to con people, you should concentrate on conning the ignorant. The recall of 4 million batteries isnt going to help from a public relations standpoint. Parents right now are buying personal computers, and notebooks for their kids to go back to school. This includes college sales. The battery problem could not have come at a worst time in terms of endearing the young consumer to Dell.

It probably made sense for Dell to announce that they were going to start buying processors from Intel competitor, Advanced Micro Devices for their low end Dimension series of desktops. You put it all together and its going to take several quarters at the very least for management to turn this aircraft carrier size company around, and get it back on track. In the interim, this stock remains expensive.

You can not expect biased Wall Street to tell you the truth about Dell. The investment banking commissions on this company are huge. Whats it worth. This is simple. The peers are outperforming Dell and the peers are selling at 15 times earnings. Dell only deserves a premium to the peers because of its past illustrious history. If you give Dell a 17 PE multiple, and you believe the $1.12 number for fiscal 08, we have a stock trading under $20 and maybe lower, awaiting good news. If you give Dell a peer type price earnings ratio, its 15 times a $1.12 and that gives you a $17 stock, either way, its not pretty. Keep in mind that institutions dont like to explain stupid investments to the people that give them the money to manage. If Dell is still in the doldrums at year-end, the institutions will bail big, rather than explain it. Dell will become the ultimate year-end tax loss selling candidate, and we dont see the turnaround in sight yet.

Goodbye and Good Luck

Richard Stoyeck

Richard Stoyecks background includes being a limited partner at Bear Stearns, Senior VP at Lehman Brothers, Kuhn Loeb, Arthur Andersen, and KPMG. Educated at Pace University, NYU, and Harvard University, today he runs Rockefeller Capital Partners and StocksAtBottom.comSheryl Blog23613
Sonnie Blog14679

Texas Schools See Increase In Number Of AP Exams Taken And Improved Results

The Texas schools released figures in September 2006, showing substantial increases in the number of Texas schools students taking Advanced Placement (AP) exams, as well as their resulting scores.

High schools across the nation are allowed to teach college-level coursework that is first approved by the College Board, the national administrator of the AP exams. Under current rules, a high school need only sign a form promising to teach the specific curriculum for any class to be designated AP.

When Texas schools students take and pass an AP exam with a high enough score, they receive college credit for the course, which they will not have to take when they attend college. Not only does this allow college-bound students to take fewer courses in college to fulfill their degree requirements, but it also means that they and their parents save money on the cost of college tuition.

Many Texas schools districts see this as a win-win situation that encourages students and provides incentives for them to attend college after graduating high school. Here is some of the information released by the Texas schools:

The number of high school students in the Texas schools that took AP exams increased from 80,240 in 2002 to 122,969 in 2006 more than a 50 percent increase;

The number of Texas schools students, who scored high enough to earn college credit in 2006, increased by more than 40 percent from 2002;

There was a total of 224,168 tests taken in 2006 and 49 percent of these scores were three or higher this is a slight drop from the 53 percent of three of higher scores in 2002;

English language, English literature, and U.S. history remain the most popular of the 35 AP exams available; and

Italian, Latin literature, French literature, microeconomics, and physics of electricity and magnetism were the least popular.

To encourage students to participate in AP coursework, as well as to take and pass the exams, many Texas schools districts provide cash incentives to both their students and teachers. They partner with nonprofit donor organizations or use foundation grants to fund their AP incentives. Some students and teachers earn from $100 to $300 for each exam passed. The incentives must work, since all of the schools using them have seen a dramatic increase in the number of students taking and passing the exams. Galvestons Ball High School, for example, expects to receive $15,800 this year in student-earned incentives.

The Texas schools attributed their improved results for 2006 to the cash incentives, incentives to reduce exam costs for students (up to $80 for each exam), increased teacher training, and the overall push by the Texas schools to create a college-bound culture within their high schools.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on schools visit Blog5393
Sharl Blog38211

Online Distance Education Program - How To Improve Your Life While Living It

Getting an education is hard work. Some of that work comes in the form of just making a decision to get one. Graduating from high school can be a daunting experience when you are in your late teens. You are just becoming an adult and have hardly begun to learn how to make important life decisions of your own. Asking you parents or mentors what you should do just confuses you more. Thinking that getting an education is always a good idea, you might decide to go ahead and get one. Then you are faced with a quandary of career choices and wonder which one you should choose. It is important that you choose one and pursue it with all of your heart. Remember what they say about first impressions? They are usually right. If you follow your heart's motivation, you will find that the education that you are pursuing is the right choice for you. Here are some insights on making some of those decisions and the benefits of getting an education from an online distance education program.

The major motivating factors behind getting an education are money and reputation, what one is thought to be by others. Taking the opportunity to increase the potential of increased income is always a worthy venture. Statistically, getting an education does that for you. The average wage earned in 2005 by a college graduate was $51,206. The average wage earned by a high school graduate was $27,915. The average wage earned by those with no high-school diploma earned was $18,734. Even in an unhealthy economy, $51,206 is a lot more than $27,915 or $18,734. Which one would you rather have?

Reputation comes with being an expert in your field. For the most part, I think, the expertise that we come out of high school will be a reputation of another sort. I remember priorities in high school being relationships, foot ball, dances, and other assorted illegal substances. But there are those who realize the importance of taking a career aim while in high school that will give them a great head start in life. They hold off on the fun stuff like going to work right away and getting married. They put a priority on their education and delay the gratification that some of us pursued so vigorously in high school.

You didn't see much of this group. They stayed in the shadows of mathematics and science. They always had their noses in their books. They actually held intelligent conversations with their teachers. I don't know how many times I heard from another student that a teacher was boring. When these students spoke with each other, they were always talking about their studies. I found them very boring and, well boring just like their teachers!

Something happens to an adolescent while in high school. I here it happens earlier with female students than with males. Sometimes we grow up. Realizing that the life we have in the homes of our parents will not last forever, we make the decisions that will last a lifetime. Who do we want to be? What do we want to do? We decide to continue our education, not because high school was so much fun, but we know that we are not yet ready to strike out on our own. If we did now, we would never reach the goals of affluence desired.

Affluance, as a result of education, can be attained at any stage of life. We are taught that earlier is better. The perfect student does perfectly well in high school, does not let the events of life at that age get in the way of a higher cause, chooses a very ambitious college or university program, never misses a class and graduates with honors every time. They also have a lot of interviews lined up with very prestigious companies on the day they graduate from college. They wait at least a year in their first position before even considering taking on a relationship, and when they do, it is with someone like them. They make enough money to be able to afford day-care. And their kids? They grow up to be just like mom and dad.

OK, this does not sound realistic, does it? Some of us mess it up real good and wish for a second chance. While working, and raising a family, we want to upgrade our education so we can get that $51,206 or more. If you are not lucky enough to be close to an educational institution, the internet provides some of the best opportunities to upgrade your educational level through something called an online distance education or an online education program.

An online distance education program is usually self paced so it is easy to fit into a tight schedule. Distance learning is pretty much self explanatory. It means learning from a distance. You can get your education from a university in Arizona even if you do not live in the state of Arizona on the internet today. This kind of education comes with all of the benefits of traditional on-campus education except the requirement to live on campus, socialize on campus, and eat at the campus dining rooms. It even comes with financial aid if you need it. Most of us that desire to upgrade our education level, especially later in life, really do not want the kind of activity level offered by on-campus life anyhow. An online distance education program is a real money saver where you can focus on your studies and get that elusive bump to your annual income that you have always deserved, even while raising a family.

Leonard Bartholomew, B.S. Computer Science.Star Blog1245
Shaine Blog92665

Career Changes Can Be Emotionally Trying

Ever feel like youve hurt your chances of getting a job interview because youve changed careers in the past? Multiple career changes used to raise some real big red flags to prospective employers.

But nowadays, its completely normal to have more than one career change. Interestingly enough, most career changes arent about getting rich. Most are about getting happy.

Marci Albhoer is the author of One Person/Multiple Careers: A New Model for Work/Life Success. If you took note of the slashes in the title of her book, theres a good reason for them: she calls the multiple career path the slash effect.

Marci was a corporate lawyer who was extremely successful. And extremely miserable. She wanted desperately to become a writer instead. But as she found out, its very difficult to leave a very high-paying job that youve had for a long time.

In an interview with Time Magazines blog, Marci shared a bit of her dilemma

"its really hard to leave a job youre trained for, rewarded for and perform well. A friend told her, 'I cant believe youre so good at a job you hate so much.'"

Marci isnt alone out there. Those with high-paying jobs can be every bit as miserable as those who make less money. In some cases, it can be even worse.

If youve made the mistake of allowing your lifestyle to rise to match your income (house, cars, and the accompanying payment obligations), you can feel trapped into keeping a job you hate. Its either stay miserable and keep your overpriced toys, or downsize and take a job youd be happier doing.

And as youve heard me say before, and Ill say again - youll never be happy in your career until you figure out what skills you enjoy spending your 8-hour days using. And that takes a lot of prayer and introspection. Maybe even some career counseling with some wise elders or pastors that you trust.

I fully believe God uses our job satisfaction (or lack thereof) to steer us where he wants us to go. And he certainly can do so as often as he likes. So dont feel bad if youre a career slasher. Life is too short to dread going to work every day. Find out what your maker put you on this planet to do. Then do it to His glory.

Eric LynchStorm Blog17822
Sidonnie Blog67468

Baltimore Schools Lose In Court Ruling Favored Charter Schools

In 2005, City Neighbors and Patterson Park Public, two charter schools in Baltimore, appealed the Baltimore schools per student funding formula to the state board. The board ruled in their favor, and the Baltimore schools appealed the boards decision in the Court of Special Appeals, Marylands second highest court. Early this month, the court ruled in favor of the charter schools, requiring Maryland school systems to spend as much money per student at charter schools as they spend at their traditional schools.

Charter schools are publicly funded, but they operate independently under contracts with local school boards. Of the 24 charter schools in the state of Maryland, 17 are located in the Baltimore schools system.

The Baltimore schools per student funding formula differs between their traditional schools and charter schools. Traditional schools receive the equivalent of approximately $11,000 per student. Charter schools receive $5,859 per student in cash, with the remainder received in services provided to the schools by the Baltimore schools system, such as special education and food. City Neighbors and Patterson Park Public contend that this formula limits their ability to choose how to provide services to their students, and the court agreed.

After the court handed down its ruling, the Baltimore schools board met in executive session, issuing a vaguely worded statement. It reiterated that the Baltimore schools remain a strong supporter of charters schools, but believe the recent court ruling will hurt the traditional schools by imposing a financial hardship on the vast majority of them. The statement further noted that the ruling could result in traditional schools receiving less per student funding than the charter schools. Additionally, the statement said that the board is fully committed to complying with the law, but it leaves open the possibility of an appeal by stating that the Baltimore schools board feels obligated to fully consider its legal options.

After the statement was released, City Neighbors board President Bobbi Macdonald stated that they were not asking for more money, only equity within the Baltimore schools system. City Neighbors attorney Will DuBois underscored the fact that both the state board and the court agreed on a funding model that achieves the parity sought by the two charter schools.

The charter schools hope to meet with the Baltimore schools to discuss the courts ruling. They would like to move forward with the Baltimore schools board toward the interest of all Baltimore schools students. Meanwhile, the Baltimore schools board Chairman Brian D. Morris stated that the Baltimore schools currently is analyzing the financial impact of the courts ruling.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on Baltimore schools visit Elle Blog10346
Sharia Blog21779

Intimacy Education Without Pornography

Because quality intimacy education is so rare, simple mention of the words, intimacy education, draws various energized responses. Embarrassment, shame, and lust seem to be three of the most common reactions. Men frequently cheer. Many women go silent.

Unfortunately, because respectful intimacy education has been hard to find, many men and some women have gone to pornography seeking information that seems unavailable anywhere else. While the education available through pornography may be titillating, it is rarely sensitive to the needs of women. We await new models for teaching adults skills for healthy sexual relationships.

Ultimately, most persons are excited to hear that someone has the courage to break through the social taboo to talk honestly about sexual relationships without resorting to pornography. Many persons of integrity desire to move past the awkwardness, past the fears, past the silence, past the bravado to honest communication. Then listening and learning can begin in an atmosphere of respect for self and otherbody, mind and spirit.

To what or to whom shall we listen if we are to learn and experience the fullness of joy and ecstasy for which our bodies are created?

First, do not listen to the not-so-subtle objectification of persons, especially of women, in most pornography. Other people are not objects to be used for our own gratification. Exhibition sex rarely, if ever, qualifies as true intimacy.

Second, as an adult, one need no longer listen to the internalized messages from parents and other authority figures who thought it their responsibility to prevent adolescent sexual experimentation. Anxiety and fear will always hinder intimacy.

Do listen to your own body. Celebrate the sensations. Pay attention to the power of touch, in all its variations. Women, especially, will usually benefit from permission to listen to the pleasure possibilities built into their bodies, from the tip of ones toes to the top of ones headand everywhere in between.

Do listen to the body of your sexual partner. Celebrate the sensations and honor the differences between you. Pay attention to the power of touch, in all its variations. Heterosexual men, especially, will usually benefit from education about how to listen to their partners body signals. Listening well enough to be the lover your woman desires is a skill worth developing.

Quality, effective intimacy education is unrelated to pornography. Learning to share love with another human being in an atmosphere of delight and respect can be life-changing and relationship-saving. The next time someone offers you quality intimacy education, pay attention. You may discover ecstasy along the way.

Kaye Wray, Ph.D., has been a teacher and researcher for over 35 years. As a bisexual woman, she has paid attention to womens sensuality and sexual responses. Knowing how a woman receives optimum sexual pleasure and how to provide optimum sexual pleasure to a woman, she shares that information with couples serious about improving their relationships, with women who want to claim the fullness of their own sexual passions, and with men who want to be better lovers. For more information, go to Blog35624
Sigrid Blog6947

Which Veterinary School Is Right For You?

No matter whether you are only considering or sure that you want to follow a veterinary career, there will be a veterinary school or collage that will suit you. To become a veterinarian you will have to attend a school or collage just as doctors have to attend a medical school.

In the U.S, there are more than 50 veterinary schools and colleges that you could perhaps enroll in; they're located in numerous states, Florida, New York, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Oregon, California, Colorado, Virginia and Wyoming, to name just a few. Veterinary schools and colleges can also be found in Canada and the United Kingdom, in fact, nearly anywhere in the world. Should being a veterinarian be your destiny, then you should research the all the veterinary schools and colleges to discover which one is best suited to you.

What Will I Be Taught At Veterinary School?

If you wish to qualify as a veterinarian, then it will be necessary for you to attend a veterinary school or college in order for you to obtain the many skills that are crucial to this career. In a veterinary school or college, you will get the chance to be taught the many different practices and techniques that will assist you greatly in your knowledge of veterinary science. You will acquire knowledge concerning the basics of animal care. You will also acquire knowledge concerning veterinary laboratory procedures that you will employ as a professional veterinarian. Various other topics that will be covered in a veterinary school or college will include veterinary hematology and veterinary pharmacology. Training will also be received in the many clinical veterinary procedures.

Not all of your time will be spent learning from the lectures and textbooks. Most veterinary schools and collages will require its students to also complete a residency in addition to the classes, this is where students will learn, observe and be involved with hands on activities. Residencies offer some of the best experiences for student veterinarians.

Do You Specialize or Not Specialize?

Like doctors have the opportunity to choose to specialize in the varied areas of medical field, veterinarians also have this opportunity too. For instance, a veterinarian could choose to specialize in veterinary dental care or in veterinary cardiology. The choices are endless - howsoever, often specializing will require a specific program or additional veterinary school or collage course work.

Only you will be able to determine whether or not it is worth the extra investment and time to specialize in a particular area. To specialize in veterinary dental care would mean that you would have to find a specific program that offers that training and to specialize in veterinary cardiology may require a much longer residency.

To find help and advice for all things veterinarian visit Jose Havers veterinary website. Here you will find help about everything from pet care and treatments to veterinary careers advice. Click here: http://www.oshsveterinary.comShellie Blog50818
Sharyl Blog63058

History of Dunn Bros. Coffee

Dunn Bros Coffee was founded by Ed Dunn in 1987. In college, he took note of the success of coffeehouses in certain areas of the country. To gain a deeper grasp of the industry, Ed Dunn immersed himself in the food service industry and coffee-related retail work.

Particularly, in December of 1987, Ed opened his first coffeehouse with the help of his brother, Dan, in St. Paul, Minnesota. The two decided to open the Dunn Bros Coffee in St. Paul because the area was similar to Portland, Oregon--another area of the country with a large coffee-drinking population.

Dunn Bros Coffee is a coffee franchise spreading across the Midwest. Dunn Bros Coffee has locations in Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin. With a team of friendly staff, they are looking to expand across the country.

Do not compare a Dunn Bros Coffee franchise to a Starbucks franchise. Dunn Bros Coffee has become particularly well known for on-site roasting. Ed had an accurate vision that the coffee drinker was enthralled by the smell of fresh coffee. If you are an entrpreneur looking for the next coffee franchise that will take the country by storm, Dunn Bros Coffee is it. Unlike Starbucks, who has yet to perfect on-site roasting, Dunn Bros Coffee is a franchise that has not saturated the market. They still have immense room for growth.

And, as already mentioned, their team of friendly staff works as one unit to ensure the successful launch of any new Dunn Bros Coffee franchise. If you are interested in the successful launch of your own Dunn Bros Coffee franchise, their contact information is as follows:

Franchise Support Center
111 3rd Ave South
Minneapolis, MN


The Franchise Support Center is located at the Dunn Bros Coffee headquarters.

Bradley G. Smith is a successful author. He writes and designs online content for small businesses. Read more information about Dunn Bros. Coffee by visiting the following link: Blog57935
Sibyl Blog96812

Free Genealogy is Not Always Worth It

It seems to me that some people get offended at the thought of paying for genealogy. Why is it that a researcher should not be able to make a living while helping you out at the same time? As far as I can see, genealogists should not be treated different than any other professional in respect to their charges. This is America, a free economy, and prices are determined by supply and demand. With genealogy being one of the top hobbies in the country, the demand is higher than ever. If you collected stamps, you would not expect the post office to give them to you for free. Why should you expect genealogists to give away their services?

If people could not make a living with genealogy, records would be so scarce that few people would have access to them. The government's WPA (Works Progress Administration) hired people back in the 1930s to copy and preserve historic documents, they became paid genealogists in effect. Think about on-line resources,,, they would be out of the game if they did not charge for their services. The odds of you having access to complete indexes for all of the US census records would be nil without their efforts. The Social Security Death Index would not be as accessible to most people if profit-based companies did not propagate it as they did a few years ago. I think some of you are being too hard, looking a gift horse in the mouth.

A lot of people think that all genealogy resources should be shared, like the USGenWeb Project. Well guess what, Rootsweb was bought by Ancestry a few years back. Its funding comes from a profit company! Nothing is free. Everything costs someone money. If no one paid for genealogy, no one would take the time to walk cemeteries and transcribe tombstones or sift through thousands of old marriage bonds to write a book. I think we need to support people who dedicate their lives, 9 to 5 each day, to make genealogy resources more accessible for us all.

Pretend that you live in California and your ancestors came across the country from Virginia. How much time and money would you spend going to each courthouse in each place that they lived, all the way back to Virginia? You would spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars in that pursuit. On the other hand, imagine paying $19.95 for a book of marriage records from a specific county or paying $250 to have a research track down a generation or two. There is no comparison in cost, you save time and money with the professional.

We should praise professional, for-profit researchers and give them a break. Their work is more thorough and more accurate than any free resource you will ever find. Any Tom, Dick or Harry and can make up anything, put it on-line and call it fact. As far as I am concerned, the old adage is true, you get what you pay for.

Kevin Lett is owner of Find Great Help LLC at He is a graduate of the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia with a degree in the field of History and a minor degree in Art and Art History. Kevin is the primary genealogist for Virginia Family Tree at and webmaster for the USA Family Tree Network at He has conducted genealogy research for the past fifteen years, eight years professionally.Sheeree Blog71204
Shane Blog83007

Stroke: Stroke Damage Treatment- Paralysis and Energy Healing

Suddenly you feel a portion of your body pause, loose sensation and stop functioning correctly. Your eyes may see double, your tongue might tingle, and your arm or leg may drag for few minutes. If these symptoms continue for a few minutes (15-20) you are having a stroke. Those are the symptoms of a TIA or Transient Ischemic Attack, known as a mini stroke. The sneaky part is that in both a TIA and a lesser stroke, the symptoms come and go for the lucky individual. If you can't produce an even smile on both sides of your face, remember the date, or have continued numbness on one side of your body, go to the hospital emergency room immediately. You have a 3-hour window to have an opportunity to reverse any major damage.

For those who exhibit and experience major impairment and who are unable to obtain immediate treatment, stroke damage may result in paralysis, nerve damage, and other dehabilitating symptoms. The good news is, usually in time, you can have some form of restored function in the areas of your body that were initially damaged.

Acupuncture has recently been providing significant restorative results by improving some physical functions for stroke victims. According to CBC News, "The functional electrical stimulation rowing machine, developed by researchers in Edmonton and England, helps people with disabilities (paraplegics and others) enjoy the benefits of regular exercise."

As a medical intuitive and distance energy healer, energy healing is another modality that provides electromagnetic stimulation and shows great promise in treating and curing stroke damage and regenerating damaged nerves. By using directed electromagnetic bio molecular energy healing, we can reframe bio structures, ie nerve impulse generators and their neural pathways that direct your body's physical functions to their initial blueprint of health. Neural pathways can be restructured so that those with paralysis can move their legs or arms. Numb extremities can be revived and regenerated to sensation.

In several clients with stroke complications, after their cellular and neural connections were restored and regenerated, physical therapy was used to restrengthen their muscles that had weakened due to lack of use during the early stages of their rehabilitation. To date, various stroke symptoms and complications can be lessened or reversed with energy healing.

Energy healing is cutting edge and is being clinically researched as a healing modality that shows great promise in assisting and restoring the physical health of those who have experienced a stroke.

Feel free to reprint this article in its original format.

Contact Information:
Brent Atwater, Alternative Medical Specialist
Medical Intuitive, Distance Energy Healing
ATL, GA Phone: 404.242.9022 USA
NC Phone: 910.692.5206 USA

Disclaimer: Brent Atwater is not a medical doctor or associated with any branch of medicine. Brent works in Alternative & Integrative Medicine. She offers her opinions based on her intuition, and her personal energy healing work, which is not a substitute for medical procedures or treatments. Always consult a physician or trained health care professional concerning any medical problem or condition before undertaking any diet, health related or lifestyle change programs. As in traditional medicine, there are no guarantees with medical intuition or energy work.

Brent Atwater: Medical Intuitive, Energy Healing: As an alternative medical specialist (CAM), her international evidence based Medical Intuitive & Distance Energy Healing work is published and has been studied by & or documented at Duke, the ARE, & for animals by the NCSU's Vet school. She participates in research & Clinical trials. ARTIST: An artist 30+yrs, Brent is a pioneer in healing art by scientifically documenting Paintings that Heal. Her art was featured on "PBS". At 16, NC Museum of Art chose her painting for the permanent collection. She founded Just Plain Love Charitable Trust to benefit children. AUTHOR: Just Plain Love Children's Healing Books. The books are translated into plays performed in children's healthcare facilities turning illness negatives into positives. "Cancer Kids, God's Special Children". "Positive Attitudes, Affirmations, & Actions for Overcoming Your Health Challenges", & "Positive Attitudes, Affirmations & Actions to Help Survive Your Cancer Experience". Brent attended Wake Forest Law School and is a minister.Shirley Blog86427
Sherill Blog90799

Seattle School Librarian Honored

There was a group of children in one of the Seattle schools who came up with an idea. They wanted to turn sad things into happy things, find the positive in the negative. The idea came about because when you are in the third or fourth grade, life can be sweet one moment, stale candy the next. One of the girls in the group, Amy, who just turned 11, had a beloved pet bunny named Roger who died. The loss still smarts.Through their informal club, Amy and her school pals -- Jasmine, Chloe, Hailey, Annie, Madi and Naomi -- would try to turn frowns upside down. The only question was how.

The children thought about it. They decided that books would become their tool for making a difference. School had deepened their love of books. They respected the power of words on the printed page -- no small feat in a television age. Books could offer stories with powerful messages, they knew, and such messages could inspire. The girls asked people in their neighborhoods as well as the parents of classmates to donate toasters, baby toys and whatever they could for a big garage sale the first week of June. They raised $400.

The girls bought 36 books. They already had a home for them inside their elementary school library, where one wall features a poster from the 1963 March on Washington and another bears a photo of the late Coretta Scott King. Inspired by a school librarian, they worked as a team toward a goal.

It is easy to miss such learning that occurs regularly in the public schools. Budget woes, school closures and scandals involving high school hoops teams tend to make for juicier headlines. The book club is one of those quiet stories that would have remained in the dark had something bad not happened. A month ago, Mary Cooper and her daughter Susanna Stodden went for a hike in the Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest. They were found shot to death in a double slaying that convulsed the region.

The unsolved murders particularly hit home for the children at Decatur AEII Elementary School in North Seattle because Cooper was their librarian, the keeper of their stories, a smiling inspirer of their dreams. "Mary in the Library" -- as children sweetly christened her -- transformed an ordinary place into an extraordinary space.

On a recent afternoon the school's library was summertime silent. Atop a wood table sat a cardboard box that held three dozen books, including one about brainy bunnies and another about that mischievous cooking pot. These were books -- along with "Peter and the Starcatchers" and others -- that Cooper had on her wish list.

Her wish came true thanks to Amy, Jasmine, Chloe, Hailey, Annie, Madi and Naomi -- along with everyone who pitched in to help these Decatur students. After the unthinkable happened, the girls got together. They crafted designs for a bookplate that will go inside each of the new books before school starts. The plate has a sun in one corner, a moon in another. It shows an open book with its front and back covers in view. One cover says "Mary" and the other says "Cooper." Down the spine are three words: "In Memory Of. Such a worthy tribute is one way a group of dedicated children is forging lasting good out of a lingering horror.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on Seattle schools visit Blog50980
Shir Blog34515

Specifying Delay Lines

THERE HAS BEEN a tremendous growth in the computer, television and radar fields. As a result, the demand for components that give time control over pulse information has led to the development of a great variety of delay lines; delay lines that find use in systems that relate electrical information to time. Computers, television studios, telemetering systems, guided missiles, navigation systems, identification coders and decoders, radar systems and video tape recorders are typical systems that use delay lines.

The selection of the proper delay device for a given application is not only important from an economic standpoint, but it can also contribute to the ultimate success or failure of a system. In order to understand and compare the different types of delay lines, it is first necessary to define certain parameters.

Basically, there are two types of delay lines: electromagnetic lines ( and sonic delay lines( There are important differences between these two types. The electromagnetic line is limited in its time delay to rise time ratio to 250 :1. This limits the upper frequency response but the passband starts at d-c and extends to its 3 dB cut-off point. For long delays, or where the required frequency response is in the Megahertz range, this 3 dB cut-off point imposes a severe limitation and makes the choice of a sonic line mandatory at these higher frequencies.

The sonic delay lines can be broken down into two basic types: magnetostrictive and solid (ultrasonic) lines (glass and quartz). Both types feature very high frequency response and excellent temperature stability. However, their attenuation (40 to 70 dB), narrow bandwidth, and poor pulse fidelity has lead to the popularity of electromagnetic delay lines. Electromagnetic Lines

The electromagnetic lines are divided into two groups: distributed and the lumped constant delay lines. The distributed delay line is further broken down into two categories The stick line closely approximates a transmission line. It is fabricated by winding a coil (either a solenoid or a multilayer) on a rod (glass, ceramic or phenolic) that has been covered with a silver or copper coating. This conductive coating is the ground conductor. Between the coil and the ground plane is a thin dielectric layer. The coil provides a continuous and uniform inductance along the rod. The coil of wire and the ground plane act as a capacitor. The higher the dielectric constant of the dielectric layer, the greater the capacity.

The delay of the line, Td, is a function of the total inductance and capacitance (Td = √LC), as is the impedance (Z = √L/C). The stick lines generally do not exceed 2 μsec of delay and are limited in their figure of merit, rarely exceeding a value of 10, which requires a rod six inches long. Not all impedances are possible for every delay, due to a limit on obtainable capacity. The attenuation of the small delays is generally very low since these are wound with heavy wire. When the delays approach 2 μsec, however, the attenuation increases greatly and reaches a maximum of about 3 dB. The temperature coefficient is generally about 150 ppm from -55 to + 105 C. Sizes of the stick lines usually range from about 3/8" x 3/8" x 2" to 1/2" x 1/2" x 6".

Paul Alessandrini is an experienced MRI-RFI filter technician. Additional information regarding Fil-coils MRI, Delay Lines, Tempest, and HEMP filters can be found at http://www.custompowersystem.comShirlee Blog86332
Siana Blog66271

Finance Your Education with Nursing School Loans

Do not let financial setbacks hinder you to pursue your dream to study nursing. There are many nursing school loans available whether you are a graduating high school student who would like to start a nursing career or someone who is advancing your nursing education. There are nursing loans available even for those pursuing a Masters or Doctoral degree.

Every nursing school offers some type of financial service to their students. Many schools form partnerships with private financial institutions and participate in government-funded student loans to be able to grant nursing school loans. Ask the college or university where you intend to enroll about their nursing school loans programs and application requirements.

Many hospitals also offer nursing school loans and scholarships with the agreement that after graduation the student will serve in the institution for a specific period. Financial assistance is also available to individuals already employed in the hospital such as Licensed Practical Nurses who wish to further their education and become registered nurses.

Possibly the best source of nursing school loans is the government. The US Department of Educations Federal Student Aid has different loan programs that allow undergraduate and graduate students and even parents to secure educational funding directly from the government. These loans include Federal Stafford Loans, which are for students and Direct PLUS loans for parents of dependent undergraduates.

Private lenders also offer nursing school loans funded by the federal government through the Federal Family Education Loan Program or FFEL. Nursing schools that participate in the Federal Perkins Loans Program also offer students in great financial need with government-funded low-interest loans. In this program, the student borrower makes payments to the school.

In addition, the US Public Health Department offers grants and nursing school loans forgiveness programs to students in exchange for their service in remote or under-served locations after they graduate.

As you can see, there are many sources of nursing school loans. The best place to start looking is in your community and your local state. The Internet is a useful tool to help you in your search. There are even websites that can match you with a financial aid provider. Sometimes, you will need to obtain more than one loan to cover your total educational costs. The key here is persistence in researching and applying for these opportunities. Lastly, remember that a loan is borrowed money so you would want to make sure that you would be able to keep your end of the bargain.

Milos Pesic is a successful webmaster and owner of popular and comprehensive Nursing Education web site. For more articles and resources on Nursing related topics, Nursing Jobs, Nursing Schools, Nursing Education and much more visit his site at:Sibbie Blog25866
Sharai Blog98969

Two Orlando Schools In Trouble With State Board Of Education

Two Orlando schools are in trouble with the State Board of Education. Both Evans and Jones High Schools have repeatedly failed the states annual school grading system that is based on student scores on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. Evans has received three Fs and five Ds over the past eight years, while Jones has been scored with five consecutive Fs since 2002. A grade of F means these two Orlando schools have high numbers of students who perform far below grade level in reading and math.

These two Orlando schools, plus five other schools in Miami-Dade, Duval and Jefferson districts, faced dramatic overhauls by state mandate. In July, the state threatened sanctions against the four districts. The districts did not draft bold enough strategies for school reform, which prompted revisions from Duval and Jefferson that were accepted by the state in August. Miami-Dade and Orange (which governs the Orlando schools) plans were not accepted by the state, with both districts arguing the issue of who can run chronic-F schools in Florida.

The state wanted new principals hired at the two Orlando schools, who had track records of raising a schools grade by more than two levels (from a D to an A, or an F to a B grade). Orange Superintendent Ron Blocker believed such a move would destabilize the already fragile Orlando schools and argued that the states pool of qualified leaders was too small to locate new principals with such successes.

The state reacted by penalizing the Orange County School District by reducing its August funding by slightly more than $17,500, the equivalent of Blockers monthly pay and benefit costs. They additionally barred the district from applying for some grants that are considered extra funding by the state, such as technology grants that would not directly impact the students. The lost grants could potentially cost Orange, the 12th largest school district in the nation, millions in grant dollars. This is the toughest move the state has even made to force change within one of its school districts.

In mid-Setember, the state education officials and Blocker came to an agreement that will help the district comply with the states 26-point reform strategy for the two high-poverty, high-minority Orlando schools. The state has lifted the potentially costly penalties against the district and will return the August deducted penalties to the district within the month. State Education Commissioner John Winn stated that the penalties were a symbolic move to show the district that the state was serious in reforming the two Orlando schools.

Additionally, the principals at the two Orlando schools will continue in their positions. Karen Wilson has been principal at Evans High School since 2004. Bridget Williams became principal at Jones High School in 2006, after pushing Robinswood Middle School from a C to a B, then to an A during her transition to Jones. Robinswood also is a high-poverty, high-minority school. Both Orlando schools principals will be paired with state-approved mentors.

Winn stated that he expects the State Board of Education to approve the agreement and reform plans for the two Orlando schools by the end of September.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on Orlando schools visit Blog83352
Sonia Blog40568

Developing Your Lesson Plans

As a homeschooling parent you are acutely aware of how important it is to have daily plans and be organized. Everyone has their own methods and tactics. And most of these plans certainly werent perfect right out of the gate and have evolved over time.

As homeschoolers one of the greatest benefits is that of having great flexibility with how you educate your child. But even with this great educational flexibility you shouldnt really be sailing without a compass.

When it comes to educating, that compass is your lesson plan.

Although homeschooling generally doesnt require exacting lesson plans to be turned in, however, not having one at all certainly isnt a good approach to your childs education.

Lets take a look at some general concepts and commonalities about lesson plans that may assist you in developing yours.

First of all, you have to start your thinking with what it is you are going to teach. From there, youll need what your objectives for the lesson are. In other words, youll want to be able to observe specific behaviors your child is going to be able to do or perform as a result of your teaching. You want the outcomes of your teaching to be measurable and quantifiable; so the more specific the better it will be.

With this in mind youll want to be descriptive with your objectives. This not only provides feedback on how your child is progressing, but it also gives you as the educator great feedback on your effectiveness. You should also have some sort of description or statement of how you will determine whether your lesson plan objectives have been met.

Take some time to determine what your child already knows about the subject matter and what it is they need to know (prerequisites) in order to successfully complete the lessons.

As you are making your first pass at your lesson plan, be sure to include somewhere in it any materials you will need to accomplish the objectives that you have described. Materials not only necessary for the lessons themselves; but be sure to include any materials you may need for the evaluation process.

Of course your lesson plans will include much greater detail than is given here, but just to get you started here is a quick outline or review of the thought process that goes into putting a lesson plan together.

Determine what it is you are going to teach and what the priority outcomes of your teaching will be what your child will be able to do as a result of completing the work and the activities contained in your lesson plan.

Determine what it is your child already knows about this subject matter or will need to know. Having a grasp on this will allow for a smooth transition into your current planning and into the next or related level of the subject.

Have a plan on how you are going to facilitate the learning of this subject matter. Be sure to think about any materials that you will need, such as manipulative objects for your child.

And finally, have a method of evaluation; both for the behavior of the child and the effectiveness of your lesson plan and your teaching techniques.

Once you make the loop a few times through the lesson planning process youll soon develop a template that works best for you. Using a detailed lesson plan will greatly increase the efficiency of your teaching as well as the quality of the childs learning time.

Mary Joyce is a former educator & homeschooler who's website offers resources and articles on, & more.Shellie Blog50818
Stefa Blog26798

Killing your Driver Examiner (And 5 Other Mistakes to Avoid on Your Road Test)

If you're one of the millions of people who will take their driving test in the United States this year, chances are it's a very big deal to you. For teens, passing the driving test marks a right of passage and is one of the biggest accomplishments in a young person's life. For others, passing the road test can mean the freedom to take better care of their family or to pursue a more lucrative job.

Unfortunately, about half of those taking their test for the first time will fail. And it happens for a variety of reasons. As a former DMV examiner, I have seen just about everything that can happen on a road test. I've been in a car that has pulled in front of an oncoming semi, I've been rear-ended after stopping for no apparent reason and I've had someone hit the gas instead of the brake and plough right into the DMV building (much to the delight of my fellow examiners). I've even seen other examiners end up in the hospital. If you have a flair for the dramatic and a car that you're looking to get rid of, there are plenty of heart-stopping ways to fail your drivers test. Here are five mistakes that may seem harmless but can lead to dangerous situations.

1. Stopping in a yield.

Looking for an excellent way to get hit from behind and fail your drivers exam? Look no further. Stopping unnecessarily in a yield is a great way to write off that old clunker that mom lent you for the road test. Even if you don't get hit from behind, simply forcing the person behind you to slow or stop unnecessarily will probably get you a failure. The correct procedure? As you enter a yield to make right hand turn, look at the traffic in front of you. If it is slowing or coming to a stop, do the same. If it is not stopping or slowing down, take a look to your left to ensure that it is safe for you to go. If there is no traffic coming and it is clear in front of you, keep it moving!! On the other hand, if it isn't safe to proceed, then slow down or stop. The point is that you should keep moving if it is safe to do so. Otherwise, you may find your trunk in your back seat.

2. Signalling too soon.

Where there are two upcoming streets on the right side of your vehicle and the driver examiner tells you to make a right hand turn at the second one, ensure that you do not start signalling until you have passed or are very close to passing the first street. The reason for this? If you signal too soon, traffic waiting at the first street may see you approaching with your signal on, assume that you are turning right away and pull out in front of you. Anyone for a juicy t-bone? Ouch.

3. Signalling too late. Signalling too late is also a problem. When making a turn, make sure that you signal before you start braking. This warns the car behind you that you will be slowing down and gives them extra time to prepare for it. Even if you don't cause an accident, signalling too late will cost you points on your test.

4. Hesitating.

Often, new drivers are either so nervous or so determined to show the examiner how careful they are that they hesitate to go when it is safe to do so. Sometimes they even wait for awhile, realize that they should have gone earlier and then pull out in front of oncoming traffic at the last second (kind of like a squirrel crossing the street). It's one thing to make sure that it is safe before proceeding. It's another thing to sit there so long that your car begins to rust. Be careful but be confident. Hesitating is not only a nuisance to other drivers but can result in a dangerous situation.

5. Backing up improperly.

This one happens A LOT, usually right at the start of the road test. If you are parked in a stall at the beginning of your test and need to back up, make sure that you are aware of the vehicles parked on either side of your car. Remember that if you are looking behind you and start turning the steering wheel as soon as you begin to back up, the front end of your car will swing out sideways and hit the parked car next to you. I can't tell you how many times I had to grab the wheel out of someone's hand to prevent this from happening. It's an automatic failure so be careful. Make sure that you have backed up straight far enough so that when you turn the wheel, the front of your car will clear the car parked next to you.

Remember these five driving tips and keep both you and your examiner on the road and out of the hospital. Good luck and good driving!

Jeff Kelly is a former Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) examiner and has taken thousands of Americans on their road tests. Jeff is also the author of "How to Pass Your Drivers Test: The Secrets Revealed". Visit his site at http://www.driverstestsecrets.comShelagh Blog48291
Star Blog1245

School Reform Is Hot Topic For Philadelphia Schools

Philadelphia Schools are in dire need of reform. In an effort to achieve this goal, two committees, The Right to Education Task Force and The School Reform Commission, have been formed to focus on improving the situation for all Philadelphia Schools students. A new mission statement, a Declaration of Education, an anti-truancy effort, and summer programs have all been implemented within the district of Philadelphia Schools.

The Right to Education Task Force, which focuses on special education and persons with disabilities served by Philadelphia Schools, strives to do the following:

* Review state and national legislation that affects improvements of special education classes
* Participate in active and meaningful discussion about education concerns, and give recommendations to resolve them
* Serve as advisors and advocates to protect the rights of students with disabilities
* Encourage and facilitate cooperation between public and private agencies and their officials to provide services to persons with disabilities

Philadelphia Schools has put a School Reform Commission in place in order to continue the improvement of Philadelphia Schools. The commissions mission statement is as follows: The mission of Philadelphia Schools is to provide a high quality education that prepares, ensures, and empowers all students to achieve their full intellectual and social potential in order to become lifelong learners and productive members of society. The Commission has set several target goals for themselves, teachers, administrators, and staff, which they hope to achieve by June of 2008. These goals include Early Literacy, Academic Achievement, a Safe and Orderly Environment, Community Collaboration, Equity, Efficient and Effective Philadelphia Schools, and improved Support Operations.

Among other efforts, Philadelphia Schools have teamed up with Mayor John F. Street to implement a citywide anti-truancy initiative. The program is designed to ensure that school-aged children and teens are actually present in their Philadelphia Schools, and that their parents are aware of truancy laws. The initiative also intends to assure that parents and students alike are aware that the City, Philadelphia Schools, and the Family Court plan to hold them accountable.

In addition, Philadelphia Schools offer numerous summer programs that both keep kids off the streets, and serve to help students who have fallen behind in their studies. The programs are focused on academic enhancement and enrichment, and are mandatory for any 1st 8th grader who did not achieve proficiency in a core subject, such as Math or Reading. Eighth graders who need additional help meeting Philadelphia Schools promotion criteria and 12th graders needing additional credits to graduate are eligible.

Mark S. Schweiker, President and CEO of the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce sums it up by saying, The reformation of the Philadelphia public schools serves as a model for the entire nation. As the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce touts the advantages of this region to the world, our rapidly improving public school system is an example that Greater Philadelphia is a progressive place to live and raise a family.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information please visit Blog44599
Sheena Blog35889

The San Jose Unified School District Wins Honors For Its Board of Education Driven Public Engagement Model

The San Jose Unified School District has enacted a unique plan to build relationships with the local community in order to overcome an old negative image.

The Past Negative Image of the San Jose Schools

A series of teacher strikes, bankruptcy, and changes in leadership gave the San Jose Unified School District a bad reputation among the local community. Students werent achieving state standards and many parents and teachers didnt know what to do to fix the situations. The San Jose Unified School District faced the daunting task of regaining public trust and integrating itself into the needs of the community.

The Board of Education Driven Public Engagement Model

The solution that San Jose came up with was not an easy one, nor a quick one. It involved finding new ways to communicate with parents and other area residents in a way that allowed all voices to be heard and real data to be collected about the school districts problems.

Focus Groups

The San Jose Unified School District organized a series of focus groups to identify what needed to be done. These focus groups were able to pinpoint the factors that bred mistrust and disinterest in the community. Eventually, the school district was able to say that the basic factors contributing to the problems in the district came from three sources: lack of school community interaction, low student expectations, and uninvolved or uninformed parents. With this information, the Board of Education turned to business and civic groups to try to find ways to eliminate these factors.

The Goal

The Board of Education Driven Public Engagement Model has both short and long term goals. In the short term, the San Jose Unified School district sought to create a plan that would make the local community want to send their children there. In the long term, the school district hopes to engage the community in order to accomplish their goals of improving student performance while building up a network of tools and strategies for communication with the public. Superintendent Don Iglesias explained: The program was developed to increase parent and community participation and understanding within our school district.

Successful Components of the Model

District communications are at the center of the Public Engagement Model and conferences between school and community members are held on a yearly basis. Called community conversations, these conferences have allowed the school district to hear the thoughts and opinions of over 6000 people. In addition, annual surveys for parents, teachers, and students help identify the issues to be resolved and help all members of the community feel a commitment to the success of the San Jose Unified School District.

Evidence That Its Working

Improvements in student achievement across the board are clear in the 30 California Distinguished Schools and 11 National Blue Ribbon Schools in the district. In addition, the new relationship with the community has also had its rewards. First a $165 million bond issue and then a $429 million one have shown overwhelming public support for the San Jose Unified School District, as the local community shows the new found trust and high expectations it has for area schools. As Superintendent Iglesias puts it, Through this project, we have learned what strategies work from a public standpoint, and parents feel heard and respected.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Sheril Blog84638
Sissie Blog83007

Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools Lead the Nation in Preschool Education Programs

One program in Charlotte Schools is focusing on the littlest learners. Recognizing that good learners begin early, education officials have developed an award winning preschool program called Bright Beginnings.

Bright Beginnings

The Bright Beginnings program involves full day, literacy based programs for four year olds in the Charlotte Mecklenburg area. More than 3000 students benefit from the program at five education centers and fourteen elementary schools. Over time the program has spread beyond the public school system and has been integrated into preschool classrooms throughout the community by partnering with the Smart Start, Child Care Resources, Child Care Centers, and More at Four programs, which all target the education needs of preschool students.

Developing Pre K Experiences

Teachers and program developers recognize the need for enriching experiences at the preschool level. Students at this age have very limited opportunities to explore the world around them, and the Bright Beginnings Program hopes to change that. By exposing children to new and different things, program developers believe that they can strengthen student vocabulary, a skill that they hope will carry over when the students learn to read. While many of these new experiences take place in the classroom, Bright Beginnings also encourages students with field trips to local learning centers, such as Discovery Place and ImaginOn.

Aligning Pre K with Elementary Education Curriculum and Instruction

Bright Beginnings has recently been incorporated under the North Carolina State Elementary Education Curriculum and Instruction area. Teachers hope to build connections between what they do in the Bright Beginnings program and what students will need to do when they enter kindergarten. The new partnership seeks to produce students entering kindergarten who are better prepared to learn and kindergarten teachers with a clearer idea of what their students have been exposed to and how they can build on that knowledge as they move through kindergarten. The program has the potential to raise student achievement at every grade level, as better prepared students advance year to year. Bright Beginnings recognizes that as Elementary Education Standards increase, preschool student curriculum must as well. As the director of the program explains, (Children) are expected to learn more. The standards have increased, not just in college and high school but in kindergarten too.!

Professional Development for Teachers

As part of Bright Beginnings commitment to preschool education, Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools has used federal and state grant money to ensure that the teachers working in the program are highly trained and qualified. All teachers must be certified in early child development, meaning that they have studied children from birth to kindergarten.

National Recognition for Bright Beginnings

Several years ago, Bright Beginnings sold its award winning curriculum to Pearson Publishing. Through this partnership, the curriculum has been distributed nationwide and continues to grow in neighborhoods far from the Charlotte Mecklenburg area. The director of the program credits Bright Beginnings success to the continued dedication of teachers and developers to work towards better learning practices. She comments, Weve started some new things and were going to continue to build them. We have gotten great marks for our curriculum for years. (Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools) is a leader in the nation.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Shamit Blog44327
Sukey Blog86737

Nine Ways to Explore Your Life Purpose

Do you ever feel stuck or confused about what your next step is in your career, relationship or life? If youre like many of us, this confusion and indecision can drain your energy and motivation. One way to gain focus and clarity is to explore your life purpose.

According to Buckminster Fuller, a well-known inventor from the twentieth century, you can learn about your life purpose by exploring the life purpose of a honeybee:

"It is possible, just possible, that the honeybee has a life purpose. What would that life purpose be? To pollinate plants, to keep life on earth going. We wouldn't exist if it wasn't for honeybees."

"But do you think the honeybee gets up each morning and says to herself that she has to pollinate plants? No. She just has - what goal? To collect nectar to make honey."

"In the case of the honeybee, it's the smaller goal of pollinating plants that has the much larger side effect and the real impact - the maintenance of life on earth."

Following this theory, I invite you to take the emphasis off of discovering your life purpose which can be daunting and overwhelming and, instead, simply focus on getting into action with small goals and noticing what brings you joy. It's easy.

Following are a few ideas to get you moving:

1) Research local non-profit organizations and volunteer for one whose mission really inspires you
2) Learn a new language, musical instrument or how to draw or paint
3) Go to events where you meet people with similar interests
4) Start a garden in your back yard or on a community plot
5) Explore your ancestry and travel to track down your roots
6) Teach a continuing education class on a subject in which youre knowledgeable
7) Attend conferences and seminars on topics that interest you
8) Get involved with your child's school or team
9) Train for an athletic race or join a sports team

As you get into action, simply be aware of what you do best (your gifts, talents and skills) and explore with your coach what brings you joy, satisfaction and fulfillment. Chances are, theyre related.

If you explore that which brings you joy, the universe will respond well. This doesnt mean that all of your feedback will be positive. On the contrary, getting flak is a sure sign that youre really exploring your life purpose and not sitting quietly on the side-lines. It's good to stir things up a bit.

When you really commit to exploring your life purpose, eventually, you will find that you shine with an unmistakable light. Explore your light. Uncover your light. The more you truly explore that which brings you joy, the more focus and clarity you will have in your career, relationships and life.

Amber Rosenberg is the principal of Pacific Life Coach, a life and business coaching company that guides entrepreneurs, small business owners and other professionals to success on their own terms doing what they love. She is a contributor to the book 'Inspiration to Realization', a self-help book for women, a popular speaker, a writer for Know Yourself Magazine and will soon appear in Real Simple Magazine. She also has 10 years marketing and PR experience for Fortune 500 companies and non-profit organizations. To sign-up for a COMPLIMENTARY half-hour phone coaching session, order a signed copy of her book or sign-up for the Confident Woman FREE monthly e-zine, go to Blog63554
Silvie Blog71272

Earn An Online Education Degree

Today, one can earn an online degree or certification in diverse fields of education and employment industries through online courses that are readily accessible twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. As an off-campus student, individuals gain access to fully-accredited online coursework and degree programs without ever having to leave the comforts of their own homes or personal offices; thus creating a more relaxed learning atmosphere.

Online courses range from arts and humanities, health and medicine, business, science and technology, computers, social sciences, education and teaching, trades and careers, and many more.

If you pursue an education online, you will be able to get either a bachelors degree or an associates degree in one of the many courses that are offered. Along with many choices of courses, there are also a wide variety of online schools available.

Overall, online education is much less expensive than going to a traditional school because you save on travel, time, and the courses themselves cost less. Much of the time you are able to get your degree much quicker and with much more ease in an online program than at a traditional college.

You're thinking about furthering your career or finally getting your college degree. But with so many educational choices online, how do you know whether it's right for you? Here are some pointers you should consider, before making your decision. There are many factors motivating adult learners to continue their education, particularly with the ease of online institutions.

These can range from:
advancing your career,
seeking a raise, or
simply an eagerness to learn new skills or new knowledge.

This motivation is important, because you wont have anyone else standing over you forcing you to attend class or turning in your assignments. Therefore you should carefully consider if youre a self-motivating adult learner who can thrive in the online environment before enrolling.

Currently, there are virtually hundreds of online schools, universities and colleges that cater to the needs of working persons and/or homebound individuals.

Aside from online certification and continuing education courses, ambitious students can conveniently earn not only an Associate's Degree in respective fields of education, but can also earn up to a Doctorate's as well.

Whether aspiring students wish to attain online continuing education units, or simply want to fulfill their career goals by earning an online degree in which particular field interests them, an online education meets and often exceeds the expectations of enrolled candidates.

There are several advantages to pursuing a degree or training online. You can do it at your own speed in your own time. While a degree at a traditional university or college may take 2 to 4 years, you can cut that time short or stretch it out as needed. You can get loans, financial aid and flexible financing just as you would at any other school. Just be sure that the online university is accredited and that your online credits will be recognized in your chosen industry or career field. Get online and get ahead!

This article has been published by Kateri White currently writing on online degree programs topics for our website For more details about the online degree programs, please visit our website. If any mistake found please mail Blog8913
Shay Blog34561

Virginia Schools Focus On The Needs Of Families

Virginia Schools are not alone in meeting the challenges of rising standards and inadequate funding. Efforts to update the states Standards of Learning (SOL) have been on-going since the late 1990s; long before the 2001 No Child Left Behind (NCLB) act was implemented. What Virginia Schools have discovered is that there is not a one size fits all solution to education reform.

A 2007 Center on Education Policy report confirmed this belief when it said that the most successfully reformed schools analyzed data and made targeted and specific reforms. Different districts in the Virginia Schools are looking for the best ways to meet the needs of their students. The Virginia Beach City Public Schools is a great example. Due to its large military population, this corner of Virginia Schools has challenges with families on the move, absent parents and single parents. Several Virginia Schools are utilizing this information to make improvements.

Troop Tube: Operation Graduation is one way that the Virginia Schools are trying to help meet the needs of their families. The local cable company, Cox Communications, has donated the equipment to transmit 11 Virginia Schools High School Graduations over the internet. Military family members, or distanced love ones, can view the graduation on the district website at

According to Virginia Beaches School Superintendent Dr. James G. Merrill, Nearly 24 percent of our students are connected to the military. Its critical that we find innovative ways to meet their needs. By the very nature of their jobs and commitment to our country, these military families are often separated for holidays and important family occasions. This initiative is just one way to help them stay connected.

Another concern of these Virginia Schools is the large number of single parents. Virginia Schools and the National Network of Partnership Schools (NNPS) have teamed up to provide support and information to help engage single parents in their childs education. There are over 12.3 million single parents in the United States. Virginia Schools and the Virginia Beach District offers workshops aimed at helping single-family parents overcome obstacles to their childs education.

Many studies have found correlations between low income, single parent households, minority status, and low academic achievement. Virginia Schools have identified the education and support of parents of at-risk learners as a key step to improving that achievement gap. The NNPS has provided Virginia Schools with a six-tiered program outlining the keys to successful community and parent involvement. The six keys are: parenting, communicating, volunteering, learning at home, decision making, and collaborating with community. Virginia Schools are hopeful that increased and meaningful parent involvement combined with support for high academic standards will help increase student achievement.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information please visit Blog65682
Simonne Blog6568

A Review of Accelerated Nursing Programs

Health care will be faced with deficiency in nurses after a decade or so, claims official research. A lot of practicing nurses will retire after some ten years, leaving a blank space and lack of professional working hands, to suffice the necessity of nursery service throughout the US. In order to solve that problem , a lot of colleges offer accelerated nursing programs for their students. Anyone interested in health care can enroll in the programs. The applicants must only have their bachelor degree taken and they can participate with the accelerated courses. The program is extremely straight forward, and applicants get the degree in several years.

Some accelerated nursing programs have strict requirements about the number of credits that applicants should have in order to enroll. They let only applicants with credits in Biology courses or sciences. There are a lot of students interested in these programs, so the waiting lists are very long, thus the requirements are usually quite strict.

Accelerated nursing programs are offered by most colleges and universities. The students must be very successful in completing the accelerated courses in order to get a license to practice. Accelerated nursing programs offer students basic knowledge on all parts of nursery. The successful applicants will study health assessment, anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, biology, and caring for patients. They have a lot of practical courses so that the students work under professional supervision in hospitals and medical centres. They have a certain number of clinical hours, when they are expected to deal with different problems in the hospital. Accelerated nursing programs have strict curriculum.

Accelerated nursing programs are the best option for someone who is interested in health care. Graduate nurses sit for licensure in their state, after which they can practise. There is an option of credit transfer, alleviating the working students. Many credits will be transferred to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree, for which there are also accelerated programs available for students who are working full-time as well as for family obligations too. A registered Nurse (RN) degree is the greatest one, giving the student the permission to practise.

There are different accelerated nursing programs though. If you feel like ding it, you should check which place is the best , and which one is the most suitable for you. You choice should be based on cost, length of curriculum of the accelerated nursing program. You should also check how the licensures are acquired after you have passed the program. Carefully research into the curriculum, accreditation and the general reputation of the nursery school before you enroll.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning education. Learn more at Blog48291
Shalna Blog47550

The Changing World Of Online Education

The way we learn is changing faster than ever before. With the Internet, digital libraries and online encyclopedias it seems as if all the worlds information is at our finger tips. This makes learning new things very easy and indeed is changing the way we view knowledge and education. Even traditional schools, colleges, universities and specialty schools are now using online strategies similar to those used in corporate training.

No longer will children with illnesses or injuries be denied their schoolwork, as they can do it all online. Online education has even more uses in such things as Home-Schooling or those wishing to go back and get a degree part-time working at their pace.

As distance learning grows more popular, parents are beginning to consider home education for their children. As the youngest generation grows up online, the future of education looks more digital than ever. Completing a course online gives young students a chance to discover the advantages of distance learning. As a result, more students are prepared for the online format, and more willing to take courses online in college. An online university student can learn something one evening and put their knowledge to work the very next day.

Online educational institutions are growing in number and enrollments because they offer the working class a chance to advance in their careers, develop a higher level of personal confidence, and fulfill life-long dreams.

In the past, working adults weren't able to further their careers because of time restraints; including, but not limited to, working overtime, business travel, and caring for families. Online education takes away those time restraints by offering a completely virtual learning experience.

The Internet is moving well beyond e-mails and e-commerce. Predictions of an Information Age are proving prophetic as the information superhighway carries more and more vehicles transporting ideas opening the door to an education that may have been denied to many. Online education has resulted in thousands of virtual classrooms that offer the possibility for accomplishment and advancement for all.

In an age where everyone and everything is stretched too thin it is refreshing to know that the Internet provides legitimate resources that allow almost anyone to learn about almost anything. You can now feel confident that life and opportunity are not passing you by. Higher education is now available to any person with the drive, the desire and a personal computer.

Whatever your choice, if you have the opportunity to take an online course, do not ignore it. Life is a long-term learning stadium where you are given the tools that other generations would have appreciated.

This article has been published by Kateri White currently writing on online degree programs topics for our website For more details about the online degree programs, please visit our website. If any mistake found please mail Blog16063
Shannen Blog37150

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